Veterans Affairs Approved Community Care Provider
Clinic NPI Number:1912404278
Provider NPI Number:1972975381
Please give Clinic NPI Number:1912404278 to your primary care physician in VA hospital and request Yanming Xia to be your acupuncture provider.
The local VA will contact clinic and arrange your first appoitment with us.
Veterans Affairs Approved Community Care Provider
Clinic NPI Number:1912404278
Provider NPI Number:1972975381
Our clinic is a participating facility in the Veterans Community Care Network, sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
A referral is required from a VA Medical Doctor to receive acupuncture therapy. If you are a Veteran or you know a Veteran who needs alternative treatment, contact the VA to discuss the health concerns and request a referral for acupuncture.
Please give our information ( NPI numbers ) to your primary care physician in the VA hospital and request Yanming Xia to be your acupuncture provider.
The local VA will contact the clinic and arrange your first appointment with us.